Tag omani laws

Comprehensive Overview of the Oman New Media Law

Introduction Royal Decree 58/2024 promulgating the Oman New Media Law issued dated 10 November 2024, is a  legislation designed to regulate the media form in Oman. By upholding ethical practices, protecting national interests, and ensuring responsible reporting, the law establishes…

Establishment of Financial Services Authority In Oman

Royal Decree 20/2024, creating the Financial Services Authority, making a major move to strengthen financial regulation  Published on March 25, 2024, this historic edict represents a turning point in Oman’s financial history. With its legal identity and its financial and…

New Procedures and Controls for Labor Law Violations

Judicial officers are tasked with overseeing and documenting violations of the Labor Law. These officers are required to carry identification and must present their credentials when performing the new procedures and controls for Labor Law Violations. Ministerial Decision No. 450/2024,…

Debt Collection Procedures from Omani Companies

Process of Debt collection in Oman for UAE companies. In international business, debt collection can often pose challenges, especially when dealing with entities across borders. Understanding Oman’s efficient debt collection process compared to the UAE is essential for seamless operations…